September 21, 2016 – Travelers

Mike Grosso the Director of Travelers' Financial Management Leadership Development Program speaking to members of the Finance Society.
Mike Grosso of Travelers speaking to members of the Finance Society.

The Finance Society hosted Travelers on Wednesday, September 21st. The meeting consisted of a presentation from the Traveler’s Business and International Insurance Vice President of Finance Tony Torsiello. Traveler’s Mike Grosso also talked about the Financial Management Leadership Development Program opportunities. Following the meeting was a networking reception. Thank you to everyone involved.

September 14, 2016 – Citigroup

Shapleigh Smith of Citigroup speaking to the members of the Finance Society.
Shapleigh Smith of Citigroup speaking to the members of the Finance Society.

The Finance Society held its second meeting of the year on Wednesday, September 14th. Over 100 members attended to hear Shapleigh Smith from Citi talk about his experiences and the summer internships available for Juniors at Citi in New York. With recruitment season in full swing this informative meeting was a big success. Thank you to everyone that participated.

September 7, 2016 – Opening Bell

Finance Society President Taylor VanFleet begins the first meeting of the year.

Finance Society President Taylor VanFleet begins the first meeting of the year.

The Finance Society hosted its first meeting of the school year on Wednesday, September 7th. UConn alum Todd Massedge had the opportunity to talk about his financial modeling course "AlphaTree Invest Like The Street". The new Executive board was introduced to the members. Finance Society members Stephen Mwangi and Michael Morabito ended the meeting with a current events discussion updating the society on what has happened in the world of finance since May. Thank you to everyone that participated.

March 30, 2016 – IBM Presentation

This week Mitch Zalko and Bobby Leibrock from IBM will be coming in to give a presentation on where IBM is today including some of the exciting new things they are doing around cognitive computing and Cloud, and to give us some information on what corporate finance at IBM is like.