Month: February 2020

February 26, 2020

The FDIC presented at this meeting to Finance Society members. They gave an insightful, educational presentation on their role within the economy. In addition, they shared upcoming full-time opportunities for business students. We were also able to hear from a student within our School of Business, who provided information regarding Point 72 Asset Management’s Academy Program.

February 19, 2020

Abby and Jack led the first current events discussion of the semester! Members had a long discussion about the effects of the coronavirus on the global economy, the AT&T and Sprint merger, and more.

February 12, 2020

A panel comprised of members of the Student Managed Fund were present at the meeting. They walked Finance Society members through the application process, their stock picking process, and more. In addition, William gave a mock stock pitch and showed members their current investment holdings.

February 5, 2020

Welcome to all our new members! Last night, Alex and Sean of Surgical Care Affiliates gave an insightful presentation and informed members of the full-time positions available at the company. Discussion centered around the healthcare industry and business careers in healthcare that blended a passion for helping others while using a finance/business degree.